
Showing posts from June, 2021

I'm THAT Toxic Person

Yeah, I said it. I'm that toxic person that you read about on Insta, the one that people tell you never to second guess cutting off "for the sake of your mental health." Today is the day I'm calling myself out. Scary, I know. Well, lemme not take up a lot of your time and just come right out and say it. Sometimes, when it comes to friendship, I stink. Most of the friend relationships I've had, past high school, have been absolute trash. And apparently, these moments in college are supposedly the best and crucial times to make meaningful friendships. Go figure. But let's get back to me. I'm about to roast myself right now, of course not for your entertainment, but for the mere fact that sometimes, maybe, JUST MAYBE, I suck. Shall we gauge my friendship skills on the famous love chapter in the bible, Corinthians 13? It seems like a befitting chapter of judgement of character to me. I'll use some points that address what I believe are my weakest points in...