The Best Things in Life are for Bad Guys

You ever wondered why "good people" get the worst luck and "bad people" have the best time of their lives? It feels like an absolute waste being the "nice guy" or "nice girl", constantly getting stepped on, being treated like a doormat, taken for granted and shoved to the side? I remember this one time in highschool, I studied so hard for this physics midterm, day and night for a week straight, and a friend of mine didn't study at all, rocked up to the classroom, whipped his phone out on the sly, and got an A+ while I sighed at my C-. Crazy right?? With the way karma is set up, why's does it seem like "bad people" stay winning while "good people" can't catch a break? 

There's a verse in Matthew chapter 5:45 that basically says God makes both the good and the bad people win. Now, why would a loving God make bad people win? If He's a God that appreciates good and obedient people, why do the bad people get to reap bountiful harvests too? It just doesn't make sense... Picture this, imagine if your parents only loved you whenever you were good.. We all know kids, we know how mischievous they are, there's NO way that a kid could keep up "good behavior" for more than 3 weeks MAXIMUM, it's in our nature. Now imagine every time we messed up, our parents deemed us bad people and never gave us a chance AT ALL to redeem ourselves or to take time to give us the chance to do better and grow and learn from our mistakes. 

The same thing happens with God. Sometimes God allows good things to happen to bad people not because they deserve them, but because He is a JUST and LOVING God. He genuinely loves us all and allows good things to happen to EVERYBODY. YES, even that ex that broke up with you over text or that lecturer that gave you a D when you only needed 2% to get to a C-, OR that person that talks ALOT of smack about you. Yes, He loves those people too. 

Now, coming back to why bad things happen to good people. It doesn't mean they deserve it, of course not. But the world is SO sinful that bad things are inevitable. If God shielded people from every bad thing, where would the aspect of trust and growth come from? Doesn't a flower need rain to grow? A plant stay in darkness before it sprouts? A woman experience the deepest amount of pain before giving birth to a miracle?

In the midst of the storm is when we truly appreciate the appearance of a rainbow. During trials is when we get to really see who God is and how He works. We get to REALLY appreciate His profound abilities. If we really think about it, good and bad things happen to people all the time, everyday. For some, it's consequential, others undeserving, but God is good ALL the time, even when "bad people" have their cake and eat it too. So don't be a doormat, NO, but keep doing good, don't get tired of doing good, for "whatever a man reaps, he sows". Whatever good you put out, whatever you're faithful in, it'll 100% come back to you in someway. And who knows, someone who's really struggling now might need a few "good people" in their lives at this very moment.


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