Would You Want to Chill With Someone Like You?

They're so annoying, aren't they? That person you rant about or vent about to all your friends. That person that pissed you off, has no regard for your feelings, and are probably watching a movie in the comfort of their room, giving the screen of their laptop a smug smile, right?

I won't lie. I used to get very angry very quickly. Any trivial thing would piss me off. From people sitting on my bed without permission, to someone humming a tune in the morning hours, to unfolded dirty laundry, to guys saying hi to me, just because I thought they all had the same intentions. Literally anything really. And for me, I seldom thought I was the one with the problem. I would generally think everyone else had the problem, and I was just alright. Of course, I knew I had an anger problem, but that was mostly it. Of course I knew I wasn't perfect, far far FAR from it really, however, I had this idea that "This is who I am, I don't need to change for anyone", even if I was clearly being such a toxic individual towards everyone else.

Ever since I had entered college, I had thought I'd not have to change. You see, the idea of introspection and retrospection had never crossed my mind. I had not once thought about "changing my behavior because that's just who I am, and you either take it or leave it." Even if I was nasty, mean, rude, garrulous, and engaged in malicious acts. Looking back at it, I kinda laugh at the fact that I was pissed that I wasn't making friends as easily as I had expected. No matter how beautiful on the outside, no one wants to hang out with a rude, naive, malicious, person. Even I wouldn't want to chill with myself.

At some point, I feel like we all need some type of introspection. Check yourself. Are you someone you'd want to hang out with? Would you like someone who gets pissed at the snap of a finger? Some who constantly brings others down? Someone who intentionally brings other people down? Someone who can't reason with other people and feels like they're always right? Someone who's always negative about every little single thing? Someone who's unapologetically TOXIC?

The journey to introspection is not easy. Of course you'll have a relapse. They're times you might still snap at people or think you're completely right all the time, but it really takes effort and time. You have to be willing to change and ready to take constructive criticism. I'm still on the journey and slowly but surely changing myself for the better. But again, that doesn't mean be a door mat (This is a topic for another day lol).

So remember, whenever you're about to make friends, start a relationship, go for an interview, have a moment to ponder on you character, on how you're feeling. Really reflect. Would you date you? Would you truly want to hang out with someone like you?


  1. And this is something errbody should think about EVERY SINGLE DAY of their lives!!!

  2. I also sort of have that thing of finding myself irritating if I look at myself a certain way, but since I basically have no one else to hang out with, I don't really mind hanging out with me.


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